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What are you writing?

Aiming to publish your latest research, but not sure about a writing strategy?

Writing your thesis, but need to add your 'voice'?

Writing a Literature Review, but not sure how to integrate the authors in the field?

Writing a technical or laboratory report, but unsure about structure and style?

Writing an assignment, but not sure how to analyse the question?

Writing a letter or email, but not sure about formality/tone?

Writing a business report, and need to be accurate and concise?

Writing an executive summary, but unsure about the organisation of the information?

Writing a concept paper, and need brevity, but impact?


Writing a cover letter, application and CV, and need to be comprehensive but relevant?

Concerned about your grammatical accuracy?

How I can help?

Consultancy / Tutoring - Individual - Group Workshops - Training Seminars
Online or face-to-face, UK & abroad

I offer an objective reader reaction on structure, organisation, language and style, with the intended audience in mind.
I can work from a draft document (for advice on editing and/or proof-reading), or from a pre-draft conversation with you on how the task can be approached (planning/critical thinking).
Clarity and accuracy are key.
Feedback will be in writing, but there will be an opportunity to discuss the feedback if clarification is needed.

These are issues which writers meet in a variety of fields of writing. If you would like to contact me for an initial conversation to establish your needs, I'll be pleased to discuss the support I can offer and a fixed-fee quotation.

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